Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

MS Indoor Soccer

MS Indoor Soccer Cibubur
Jl. Transyogi Cibubur-Cileungsi No. 71
Bekasi, Indonesia
+6221 999 505 11-22
+6221 843 120 90

Facilities: 3 indoor soccer court ( 27m x 17m ), spacious parking, restaurant, shower, mushola, training ground, excellent air flow and youth soccer academy.

MS Indoor Soccer Serpong
Jl. Ocean Park Kav.3 No.1 BSD City
Tanggerang, Indonesia
+6221 531 638 94
+6221 853 559 29

Facilities: 4 indoor soccer court ( 27m x 17m ), 1 mini soccer court ( 27m x 45m ), spacious parking, restaurant, shower, mushola, training ground, excellent air flow and youth soccer academy.

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